Easy Hacks to Maintain Shine and Cleanliness Of Your Apparel

Do your beautiful clothes fade in colour and become brittle with time? Do you keep on buying new clothes every other day because your old clothes look dull and colourless? If so, then it is time to embrace the all-new tips and tricks for making your regular clothes shine like new. You can even get in touch with Hello Laundry to get your clothes washed and dry-cleaned on time. Hello Laundry offers the best and most affordable laundry, ironing and dry cleaning services in London. However, if you would rather do your laundry work at home, then here are a few easy tips for you. Read on to learn the easy hacks and tips to make your laundry work easier.
Smart Tips for Quick and Easy Laundry Work at Home:
Laundry work can be quite tiresome. If you are a working professional with spare time only on weekends, then doing laundry can be especially exhausting for you. If you are too busy to do your laundry then you can always get in touch with Hello Laundry for professional help. If you would rather do your laundry work at home, then adopt the tips given below to get your laundry work done on time:
#1 – Configure the washer to the right settings:
Check the wash/care labels of every garment to take note of the right washer and dryer settings. Be sure to avoid harsh temperature settings for delicate clothes. The washer settings usually vary among delicate, normal, harsh, mild, and gentle. Set the washer right for washing clothes of different fabrics and textures. The right configuration will help in maintaining the fabric quality after repeated cycles of washing and drying.
#2 – Switch to cold water for washing clothes:
Unless specified otherwise, washing clothes with cold water helps in retaining the colour of the clothes. Hot water tends to make the colour of the clothes fade away with time. Cold water also helps in maintaining the strength and durability of clothes by keeping the thread work of the clothes intact. Use hot water for washing bed sheets, towels, and other articles instead, as bed and bathroom linen is usually of tougher quality and more resistant to heat.
#3 – Dry your clothes in the open air:
Ditch the electric dry and hang your wet clothes out in the open air to dry. Air drying of clothes may be a slow process but it is good for maintaining the quality of fabric. Exposure to the excessive heat of the dryer often makes clothes dry and brittle. Moreover, the hot air of the dryer is also not suited for delicate fabrics like chiffon, satin, and silk. Quit using the dryer to make your clothes and other articles of linen last longer.
#4 – Invest in a laundry bag:
A laundry bag is one of the most useful housefull items. Toss your soiled laundry into the bag at the end of each day and wash the entire bag of clothes on the weekend. You can also use a laundry bag that comes with a zipper and has a meshed exterior. Such bags can be filled with soiled clothes and linen and put directly inside the washing machine. That’s right! The polyester material of the bag allows soap and water to pass through for the rinsing of the garments inside the bag. You can use laundry mesh bags for washing clothes of delicate fabric to prevent damage to the soft fibres.
#5 – Use mild chemicals for washing clothes:
You may feel like investing in detergent that is cheap but that is always a bad decision. Cheap detergent tends to ruin the fabric of clothes with time. Moreover, exposure to cheap detergent powder on the skin can trigger allergic reactions. Switch to mild liquid soap and herbal fabric conditioners and softeners for washing clothes. Mild liquid soap helps in maintaining the quality and durability of the clothes. Make sure that you use only a small quantity of conditioners and softeners after washing the clothes in cold water with liquid soap.
#6 – Avoid wearing the same clothes every day:
If you wear the same set of clothes every day then you will have to wash them every day as well. Washing the same clothes regularly can erode the fabric of the clothes. Invest in a good number of clothes, bedsheets, towels, and other pieces of linen, and take turns wearing and using one after the other.
Now that you have quite a few tips up your sleeve, it is time to get down to business. Wrap up your laundry work as fast as you can with the tips and tricks discussed above. Step out in style every day with old clothes that look as good as new. Don’t forget to get your laundry work done on time.