5 Methods to Fix Netgear EX6100 Extender Slow Internet Issue

Many users are unable to make the most of their Netgear EX6100 extenders simply because of one particular issue known as the Netgear EX6100 slow internet connection. They have been experiencing this issue despite achieving Netgear EX6100 setup success. Are you not able to enjoy the top-notch performance of your networking device because of the same issue?

In case you are nodding your head in yes, then it is recommended that you walk through the troubleshooting hacks covered in this article. We are being hopeful that at least one of them will surely be able to assist you. Continue reading.

[Reasons] Netgear EX6100 Slow Internet Connection Issue

Before we shed light on the troubleshooting tips to help you resolve the Netgear EX6100 extender slow internet connection issue, you should become aware of the reasons behind it. That way you will be able to resolve the issue at hand more easily.

  • Technical glitches
  • Weak Ethernet connection
  • Too much distance between devices
  • Outdated firmware
  • Signal interference
  • Issue from the end of ISP

Now, keep reading this article and learn how to put an end to the Netgear EX6100 extender slow internet connection issue.

[Fixed] Netgear EX6100 Extender Slow Internet Issue

  1. Restart the Netgear EX6100

Start troubleshooting the Netgear EX6100 extender slow internet connection issue by simply restarting the networking device, as in the wireless range extender. You can do so by turning off your extender, waiting for some time, and then, turning it back on. After restarting your networking device, see if you are able to resolve the Netgear EX6100 extender slow internet connection issue. In case you are not able to, then follow the next troubleshooting hack.

  1. Check the Ethernet Connection

Another reason why you are experiencing the Netgear EX6100 extender slow internet connection issue is because the Ethernet cable through which the extender is connected to the router is damaged. To resolve the issue, you ought to get a non-damaged home, preferably a new one. Along with this, ensure that the connection between the devices is finger-tight and the Ethernet ports located on them are not damaged.

  1. Move the Devices Closer

If you are still stuck with the Netgear EX6100 extender slow internet connection issue, then it is recommended that consider placing your networking devices in proximity. You can do so by unplugging your Netgear EX6100 wireless range extender from its existing wall socket and plugging it into the one located near the host router. After that, check again if the Netgear EX6100 extender slow internet connection issue has left you for good.

  1. Update the EX6100 Firmware

Can you recall the last time you updated the firmware of your Netgear EX6100 wireless range extender? No? Well then, this is a sign that your networking device’s firmware needs to get updated to its latest version right away. You can do so by using two methods. If you want to know about them in detail, then consider taking our advice and refer to the guidelines outlined in the user manual of your device which you got while purchasing it.

  1. Keep WiFi Interference at Bay

Bluetooth speakers, washing machines, microwave ovens, and other smart home appliances emit electromagnetic waves and have the capability of messing with the signals emitted by your Netgear EX6100 extender thereby causing issues like the one you are facing. To take care of the problem, you need to keep WiFi interference at bay. You can do so by changing the location of your networking device.

  1. Contact the Service Provider

Despite walking through this article carefully and implementing all of the hacks, are you still facing the Netgear EX6100 extender slow internet connection issue? Well, it means that there is some dedication missing from the end of your Internet Service Provider. Thus, it is advised that you contact your ISP and give him a handful amount of time to get the issue fixed. Let us hope that outside help assists you to get out of the mess you are currently in.


These were the troubleshooting hacks following which resolving the Netgear EX6100 extender slow internet connection issue is possible. Hopefully, you will be able to resolve the issue at hand, on the off chance, you are experiencing the same, it is recommended that you reset your wireless range extender. After resetting your device, do not forget to set up your networking device by using Netgear_ext.

For your information, Netgear_ext is the network name of your networking device. Need more details regarding the same? Refer to the Netgear user manual of your extender.

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