What to Do After Wavlink WiFi Extender Setup is Done?

So you purchased a new Wavlink WiFi range extender to get extended WiFi in every nook and corner of your home? Wavlink WiFi extenders are used to turn WiFi dead zones into fun zones. We hope you have completed the Wavlink WiFi extender setup using the correct instructions.  Now you are looking for information on what is the next process after you have completed the initial setup process. We are here to provide you with the correct assistance. Continue reading ahead to know about it.

Process After Wavlink Extender Setup

  • Relocate the Wavlink Extender

While the initial setup was going on, you must have placed the Wavlink WiFi extender near the host router. Haven’t you? It is an important step to successfully get through the setup process. After setting up the extender, you can relocate the extender to a new place in the home. After all what else did you buy an extender for? To get internet access in the areas where the WiFi was adamant to reach earlier. Thus, shift the extender to a new place now. Unplug the Wavlink extender from the current wall socket and choose a new location. Consider the points we have given below while choosing a new place:

  • Place it within the router’s range. It needs to access the router’s network to operate. The place should ideally be somewhere between the router and the dead spots.
  • Choose an open and central location in the room to place the extender.
  •  Use a higher shelf or wall mount it if possible.
  • Keep it away from other networking devices in the home.
  • There should be no home appliances around the extender.
  • Keep it away from walls, large water bodies and reflexive surfaces.

  • Change Admin Password

After relocating the Wavlink WiFi extender to the new appropriate place, you need to plug it into an active wall socket and turn it on. Done? Now change the admin password. Do you ask why? Because just like you access the admin panel using the default password, just anyone around can do the same process. How? The info about this default Walink admin password is available on the internet. So, access the Wavlink admin panel by logging in to it and change the admin password right now. Make sure to use a strong password now to keep your network safe. 

  • Update Wavlink Extender Firmware

Once you are done with changing the admin password of your Wavlink WiFi extender, you are required to update its firmware to the most recent version. Wavlink keeps releasing the latest firmware of the extenders on a regular basis. It is your responsibility that you keep your device updated. Why? A firmware update is meant to add new features to your extender, fix bugs, enhance its performance, and improve its security. With so many benefits that you are getting, it is essential that you update the firmware immediately. Simply access the Wavlink extender wifi.wavlink.com setup page by using the new admin password and then update the firmware on the extender.

To Briefly Conclude

Right after you are done with the Wavlink WiFi extender setup, you need to relocate the extender to the best possible location in the home. After that modify the admin password and then upgrade the firmware to the most recent version. What next? After you are done with all these tasks, you need to begin accessing its network on various devices and enjoy seamless Internet access in any part of your home. Happy browsing!

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